Gambling and Chilling in Vegas

HI Guys,

  Our first night in Vegas didn’t really turn out how I had planned.  We never did make it to the strip club but we did find a pretty good Italian restaurant.  I guess the real partying will start tonight.  Not sure if I will be able to pull Brett away from the tables but I am going to try.  I like to gamble for about 10 minutes and then I am ready to go.  Brett could stay all night long, luckily he is pretty good.  We have a deal anyways.  If he losses money on the games I get just as much to spend in the stores. Sorry really it is a win win for me. lol

  Going to jump in the shower and go find lunch.  I will leave you with a picture we took on our way up to Nevada.
Petrified Tree Flashing

  That is a petrified tree I am sitting on. 

     Kisses, Sammy

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